A cadastral map is a map that shows the boundaries and ownership of land parcels. Some cadastral maps show additional details, such as survey district names, unique identifying numbers for parcels, certificate of title numbers, positions of existing structures, section or lot numbers and their respective areas, adjoining and adjacent street names, selected boundary dimensions and references to prior maps. In Iraq / Baghdad Governorate, the main problem is that the cadastral maps are georeferenced to a local geodetic datum known as Clark 1880 while the widely used reference system for navigation purpose (GPS and GNSS) and uses Word Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84) as a base reference datum. The objective of this paper is to produce a cadastral map with scale 1:500 (metric scale) by using aerial photographs 2009 with high ground spatial resolution 10 cm reference WGS84 system. The accuracy assessment for the cadastral maps updating approach to urban large scale cadastral maps (1:500-1:1000) was ± 0.115 meters; which complies with the American Social for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Standards (ASPRS).
The cadastre is one of the most important country’s registers which shows individual cadastral units of parcels and land ownership [1]
Because of the daily changes in an urban area, updating cadastral maps can be considered as continuous problem with no end
In Iraq in Baghdad city, the existing cadastral maps produced for the center of Baghdad only by the Union of Surveying and Cartographic Enterprises of Poland represented by (Pole Service) between 19741979 with scale 1:500 [4].The coordinates for these cadastral maps have been computed in UTM Universal Transfer Mercator System on Clark 1880 ellipsoid
The cadastre is one of the most important country’s registers which shows individual cadastral units of parcels and land ownership [1]. Because of the daily changes in an urban area, updating cadastral maps can be considered as continuous problem with no end. Those cadastral maps were required to be updated but no updating was carried out in last five to six decades. The cadastral maps in Iraq are out of today’s development and are unable to serve the urban requirements. In Iraq in Baghdad city, the existing cadastral maps produced for the center of Baghdad only by the Union of Surveying and Cartographic Enterprises of Poland represented by (Pole Service) between 19741979 with scale 1:500 [4].The coordinates for these cadastral maps have been computed in UTM Universal Transfer Mercator System on Clark 1880 ellipsoid.
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