
Background: The transformation of natural elements, the migration of soil substances used in industry most often refer to metals, as a result of which “metallization” of landscapes occurs in industrial regions. Methods: The article proposes an analysis of studies, conducting agroecological monitoring of soil and plants in the zone affected by the action of Ryazan power plant in 2015-2019. Experiments included the analysis of the soil and climatic conditions of the area, sampling in the zone of five rings of the pipe of the polluting enterprise, the analysis of the content of some trace elements in the coal during combustion and the products of their combustion, as well as heavy metals in the biomass of the main types of plant communities in the zone of influence and mobile forms of metals in the soil of the zone, depending on the main directions of influence. Result: According to the results, the greatest distribution of mobile forms of heavy metals in the impact zone of Ryazan State District Power Plant (RGRES) was observed in the southern and southeastern directions in radii from 2.5 km to 30 km, in the southwest direction it was in radii from 500 m to 7 km and in the northern and northwestern directions it was within a radius of 500 m to 2.5 km from the station.

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