
The article examines the theoretical aspects of managerial research on innovation policy and strategy of the business entity. It is substantiated that innovative management is focused on organizational and economic models and methods of managing all stages and types of innovative processes in the subject of economic activity with maximum effectiveness and efficiency. It has been proven that the possibilities of forming a complex innovation management system depend on a significant number of factors. It has been found that determining the need and possibility of managing innovative processes in a business entity allows identifying its real needs, and they can be divided into the needs of the external environment, the needs of the internal environment, and the actual needs of the innovation process as an independent object of management. It is proven that in the conditions of global challenges, the formation of the strategy of the business entity should be aimed at solving the tasks of prospective production and technological development. This type of development is, in fact, a versatile, multifaceted activity that covers almost the entire internal economic environment of the subject. It is substantiated that the innovation strategy is the most important link of the subject’s economic strategy and determines its content and direction in many cases. The stages of formation of an innovative strategy of a business entity are defined. A model of formation and implementation of an innovative strategy of a business entity has been developed. It has been proven that the strategic management of innovations of a business entity consists in the timely concentration of efforts on the development and use of promising achievements of scientific and technical development and the timely provision of resources for the dynamics of innovations for the benefit of the achievement of the goals of the business entity and the creation of conditions for its long-term effective activity. Methodology. The methodological basis of a scientific article is a set of tools, which includes methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, systematization and scientific abstraction. The scientific basis of the conducted research is the scientific development of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the field of managing the accumulation and use of budgetary resources. Results. It is substantiated that the rate of economic growth, increase in the welfare of the population, the level of domestic production, competitiveness and the development of international partnership depend on the efficiency of the management of the state’s budgetary resources. The main priorities of the budget in the difficult period of martial law are determined to increase the state’s defense capability and ensure social stability in society, which requires stable revenues to the budget. The Government is considering amendments to legislative acts to improve the efficiency of management decision-making regarding the implementation of the State Budget of Ukraine. The state at the initial stage of the full-scale war introduced a number of fiscal incentives to support the economy and consumption. However, the duration of the war and the significant growth of the budget deficit led to an increase in the fiscal importance of taxes and fees. In view of the above, fiscal consolidation measures were applied, which led to an increase in budget revenues. It is important to support the public’s intentions of state institutions to increase tax rates to increase the financing of the military. Approaches to increasing the effectiveness of the country’s budget formation mechanisms in wartime conditions should be based on the institutional interaction of fiscal and monetary regulators. Currently, international support plays an important role in stabilizing the economy and financing the state budget through the provision of loans, loan guarantees and grants. Practical importance. Conducted management research will support the process of managing the accumulation and use of budgetary resources.

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