
One of the most essential factors in plant development is the nutrient content in the soil. Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K), essential macronutrients in plant nutrition, are vital in plant growth and development. Therefore, although many studies have been conducted on these elements in agricultural plants, the number of studies on forest trees could be much higher. In particular, there needs to be more information about the accumulation and transfer of these elements in different plant tissues. This study examined the change and transfer of P and K concentrations in the Corylus colurna tree's trunk parts. Within the scope of the study, the differences in P and K concentrations in the Corylus colurna trunk were examined based on organ, direction, and period. As a result, the most elevated concentrations of both elements were in the barks; the difference in direction was not evident in the wood, and both elements could be transferred within the wood.

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