
This paper is devoted to accounting for the formation of financial results and their reflection in financial statements. The paper examines the main concepts related to the accounting of financial results, such as income, expenses, profit and loss. The process of forming financial results is described in detail, in particular, determining income and expenses, determining profit and loss. The paper provides information on the display of financial results in financial statements, in particular, on drawing up a balance sheet and a report on financial results. One of the most important indicators that characterizes the efficiency of the financial activity of any enterprise is the financial result, or it is also called profit or loss. The role of the financial result is that it provides an increase in the state budget, promotes investment attractiveness, business activity of enterprises in the production and financial spheres. The main components of these reports and the requirements they must satisfy are considered. In the research process, general scientific methods are used to solve the tasks - analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and special - methodical comparisons; systematization; grouping and logical generalization; systematic approach; abstraction; specification; research of documents and accounting registers in terms of form and content; analytical calculations and other methods of scientific research. List of sources of practical material. In the course of the work, regulatory and legislative sources of information were worked out, literary sources, manuals, textbooks, monographs, papers were studied in terms of preparation and submission of the main reporting forms. The financial result shows all aspects of the financial and economic activity of enterprises. Acting as a part of society's income, it should be used for the development of production and improvement of the financial situation of all workers employed in production.

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