
In the article, the author conducts a study of existing scientific approaches to the interpretation of the financial state of enterprises. The internal and external factors that most affect the financial and economic activity of enterprises in the machine-building industry are determined. Primary internal and external factors that negatively affect the financial and economic activity of machine-building enterprises have been identified. The concept of the financial state of the enterprise is complex, that is, it is characterized by a system of economic parameters that make it possible to determine the availability and use of financial resources of the economic entity. The significance of the analysis of such economic parameters as financial stability, profitability, solvency and a number of other indicators that determine the financial condition of a business entity is characterized. A special role in improving the financial and economic activity of enterprises is played by internal factors, in particular methods and tools for managing the entity's profitability, approaches to managing one's own financial resources, motivational measures, information support, analytical procedures. The analysis of the financial condition is the most important tool for carrying out the company's policy aimed at optimizing resource provision and increasing the competitiveness of products with the expansion of domestic and foreign sales markets. Analysis of all internal and external factors influencing the improvement of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise will enable managers to make optimal and effective decisions for the implementation of strategic plans. The influence of the external environment on the operation of the enterprise was studied in order to develop effective mechanisms and make effective management decisions. What is new is that the author has determined directions for improving the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, thanks to the improvement of the process of processing information data and making corrections in the work of the functional elements of the management system.

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