
Management depends primarily on information when exercising its various functions in managing the organization. Especially because of the rapid changes in which contemporary organizations operate and that require management to obtain accurate and reliable information. Specifically, the accounting information that is supposed to not accept the error, as it relates to the accounting operations that took place in the organization, in addition to that it is related to the financial aspects of profits and losses, which mainly concern the administration. From here, the idea of the study focuses on the importance of having a computerized accounting information system on which the management relies in general, and individuals working in the accounting function in particular in obtaining accounting information by relying on MS Excel software, Therefore, the problem of the study stipulated the possibility of designing a computerized accounting information system in the organization under study, especially in the digital age? Accordingly, the study came in its importance to move towards building a theoretical framework, and another field that reflects the importance of designing a computerized accounting information system, and in a manner commensurate with the nature of the research organization. The study adopted the case study method, and the National Company for Home Furniture Industry in Nineveh Province was chosen as the field of application. The researchers adopted the method of interviews, observing and reviewing some records and documents related to the topic

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