
The development of accounting information technology has actually been going on for a long time. This is because the use of technology in accounting can save time and costs and the use of technology in accounting is considered very efficient. In order to provide accounting information, an information system known as the Accounting Information System (SIA) was created. A good accounting information system requires a good system design too. At Cooperative, data processing is still done manually using Microsoft Excel, which makes this cooperative vulnerable to recording errors. Apart from errors in recording, delays in delivering information can also occur due to ineffective recording. Therefore, this cooperative needs to use a cooperative accounting information system. Which this system will later be able to assist the cooperative in carrying out the existing transaction process in the cooperative effectively and efficiently and well computerized. Based on this, this study aims to determine the financial reporting accounting information system that has been implemented by the Cooperative and to design an application-based savings and loan cooperative financial reporting accounting information system in accordance with the needs of Cooperative. This study used qualitative and experimental methods, while the application design method used was a waterfall. The system development method used in this research is Netbeans IDE with Java programming language and Mysql as database storage and iReport to design financial statements.The results obtained from the analysis and design carried out is an accounting information system design that is able to support the operational needs of Cooperative. The superiority of the resulting system is that there is a treasurer who specifically manages the finances of the Cooperative so that the process of recording financial reporting runs effectively and efficiently which has been designed according to the needs of Cooperative


  • Perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat saat ini merupakan wujud dari tujuan nasional

  • Based on this, this study aims to determine the financial reporting accounting information system that has been implemented by the Cooperative and to design an application-based savings and loan cooperative financial reporting accounting information system in accordance with the needs of Cooperative

  • Sistem Informasi Akuntansi yang berjalan masih dilakukan secara manual menggunakan microsoft excel, dimana keamanan penyimpanan data belum dapat dikatakan baik karena dapat diakses oleh pihak luar, selain itu data yang disimpan dapat hilang jika terjadi kesalahan dalam penggunan atau kerusakan pada komputer karena data tidak terbackup

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Perkembangan ekonomi Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat saat ini merupakan wujud dari tujuan nasional. Yang mana sistem ini nantinya dapat membantu pihak koperasi dalam melaksanakan proses transaksi yang ada pada koperasi tersebut secara efektif dan efisien serta terkomputerisasi dengan baik. Seperti pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Lestari (2017) dimana penulis membuat perancangan sistem informasi akuntansi penggajian untuk membantu pengolahan transaksi dan pembuatan laporan keuangan pada KSP Borromeus menjadi terkomputerisasi dengan baik.

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