
The purpose of the study is to present a snapshot of big data academic research in accounting and finance, and to highlight the applications in the organization. The analysis is conducted through information provided by Scopus in the period 2016-2020. Relevant literature is identified and sampled to derive a taxonomy of topics, which are studied from the perspective of a taxonomy of topics. These topics are studied from a quantitative perspective by identifying the volume of scientific production in different parameters such as year of publication, area of knowledge, author or authors, and qualitative by highlighting the analysis of the position shown by different research papers referring to the topic related above. This will help to answer the research question How is the accounting and financial practice and research through the analysis of Big data in the period 2016-2020?


  • The use of large volumes of information from any activity that traditional systems cannot process, store or analyze is known as Big Data, often defined by what are called the three V's (Volume, Velocity, Variety), which are characteristics of the type of data being processed through Big Data techniques(Tascón & Coullaut, 2016)

  • In accounting and finance, having an efficient information system is vital for the good management of resources and decision making, and this system is nourished with data susceptible to analysis, which is the main function of several big data tools

  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of research on Big Data, accounting and finance variables by analyzing data derived from the Scopus platform in the period 2016-2020

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The use of large volumes of information from any activity that traditional systems cannot process, store or analyze is known as Big Data, often defined by what are called the three V's (Volume, Velocity, Variety), which are characteristics of the type of data being processed through Big Data techniques(Tascón & Coullaut, 2016).In the organization, the use of big data techniques for information processing facilitates its handling and combination with traditional data to achieve the greatest possible efficiency in decision making(Joyanes Aguilar, 2013).It should be noted that the management of large volumes of information is a challenge for companies, and its processing demands large efforts, but the management that can be given to the data begins according to its initial classification, which can be divided into two large groups, structured and unstructured data. In accounting and finance, having an efficient information system is vital for the good management of resources and decision making, and this system is nourished with data susceptible to analysis, which is the main function of several big data tools. The data is processed through these tools and in the process of classification and analysis becomes vital information for the board of directors of any organization. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to analyze the current state of research on Big Data, accounting and finance variables by analyzing data derived from the Scopus platform in the period 2016-2020

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