
The possibility of using a monofocal IOL with accommodative ability allows refractive cataract surgery with a clearly decreased potential of photic phenomena. Three IOLs of different designs and materials have demonstrated accommodative ability, but the degree of accommodative amplitude has been reported to different extents and variabilities. The plate-haptic CrystaLens has a hinged design that might permit forward movement of the optic as a result of pressure changes in the vitreous cavity. The 1CU has modified haptics that bend in the bag as the lens capsule contracts, which are supposed to cause anterior displacement of the lens optic. With the dual-optic one-piece Synchrony, springlike haptics separate a high-plus anterior lens from a posterior minus lens. With accommodative effort, the capsular bag expands and the springs express kinetic energy, which might allow the optics to separate as the anterior lens moves forward. This article seeks to clarify and distinguish the concepts of true accommodation and pseudo accommodation. Current designs of accommodative IOLs are supposed to work by the focus-shift principle to allow true pseudophakic accommodation. Studies that biometrically assessed optic shift found no or only low amplitudes of forward movement. The amount of forward movement, if present, was highly variable between patients. To date, most studies present psychophysical data for the proof of concept, which alone seems insufficient. Capsule bag performance and posterior capsule opacification with accommodative IOLs seem worse than those with standard intraocular lenses. The potential clinical benefits of accommodative IOL technology for both cataract patients and refractive patients may place accommodative IOLs in a competitive position with multifocal IOL technology.

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