
Release of stored magnetic energy via particle acceleration is a characteristic feature of astrophysical plasmas. Magnetic reconnection is one of the mechanisms for releasing energy from magnetized plasmas. Collisionless magnetic reconnection could provide both the energy release mechanism and the particle accelerator in space plasmas. Here we studied particle acceleration when fluctuating (in-time) electric fields are superposed on an static X-type magnetic field in collisionless hot solar plasma. This system is chosen to mimic the reconnective dissipation of a linear MHD disturbance. Our results are compared to particle acceleration from constant electric field superposed on an X-type magnetic field. The constant electric field configuration represents the effects of steady state magnetic reconnection. Time evolution of ion and electron distributions are obtained by numerically integrating particle trajectories. The frequencies of the electric field represent a turbulent range of waves. Depending on the frequency and amplitude of the electric field, electrons and ions are accelerated to different degrees and have energy distributions of bimodal form consisting of a lower energy part and a high energy tail. For frequencies ( ω in dimensioless units) in the range 0.5 ⩽ ω ⩽ 1.0 a substantial fraction (20%–30%) of the proton distribution is accelerated to gamma-ray producing energies. For frequencies in the range 1 ⩽ ω ⩽ 100.0 the bulk of the electron distribution is accelerated to hard X-ray producing energies. The acceleration mechanism is important for solar flares and solar noise storms but it could be applicable to all collisionless astrophysical plasmas.

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