
Image-based deep reinforcement learning has made great breakthrough and achievements in recent years, while unavoidably facing with the requirement of a large amount of interaction data and the problem of low training efficiency. In order to refine this problem, we propose a new method to accelerate the learning process of deep reinforcement learning by combining hierarchical encoder network with an actor-critic RL algorithm. Through making use of stacked extreme learning machines (ELMs) and training it in a supervised way, we are able to convert the high-dimensional raw image into meaningful states and send to the cascaded state-based RL algorithm. To deal with continuous state and action spaces we adopt the Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller (CMAC) network to be the critic, and take advantage of recursive least-squares TD (RLS-TD) learning method to improve the learning efficiency. Our algorithm has provided a novel useful mechanism to solve image-based end-to-end continuous control problems. Simulations on the typical cart-pole task show that our method can solve such problem efficiently and significantly improve the learning effectiveness, compared with previous deep reinforcement algorithms such as DDPG and PPO.

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