
Pure shift nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy presents a promising solution to provide sufficient spectral resolution and has been increasingly applied in various branches of chemistry, but the optimal resolution is generally accompanied by long experimental times. We present a proof of concept of deep learning for fast, high-quality, and reliable pure shift NMR reconstruction. The deep learning (DL) protocol allows one to eliminate undersampling artifacts, distinguish peaks with close chemical shifts, and reconstruct high-resolution pure shift NMR spectroscopy along with accelerated acquisition. More meaningfully, the lightweight neural network delivers satisfactory reconstruction performance on personal computers by several hundred simulated data learning, which somewhat lifts the prohibiting demand for a large volume of real training samples and advanced computing hardware generally required in DL projects. Additionally, an M-to-S strategy applicable to common DL cases is further exploited to boost the network generalization capability. As a result, this study takes a meaningful step toward deep learning protocols for broad chemical applications.

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