
The duration of orthodontic treatment in adults remains a barrier for some patients. Some surgical techniques have been developed in order to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement. The technique of corticotomies is effective in decreasing the orthodontic treatment time but remains invasive, leading to significant postoperative consequences. Minimally invasive techniques without muco-periosteal flap elevation have been developed: corticision, micro-osteoperforations, piezopuncture and piezocision. The piezocision procedure seems to be the best compromise to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement while respecting a specific surgical and orthodontic protocol. The piezocision surgery allows the addition of biomaterials in cases of dehiscence and/or fenestration on the alveolar bone associated with moderate to severe overcrowding. According to current publications, minimally invasive corticotomy techniques can be viewed as a new therapeutic tool in the acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement.

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