
Progressive lung function loss is recognized in COPD; however, no study concurrently evaluates how accelerated lung function decline relates to mucus properties and the microbiome in COPD. Longitudinal assessment of mucus and microbiome changes accompanying accelerated lung function decline in COPD patients. Prospective, longitudinal assessment of the London COPD cohort exhibiting the greatest FEV1 decline (n=30; "accelerated decline"; 156 mL/year FEV1 loss) and with no FEV1 decline (n=28; "non-decline"; 49 mL/year FEV1 gain) over time. Lung microbiomes from "paired" sputum (total 116 specimens) were assessed by shotgun metagenomics and corresponding mucus profiles evaluated for biochemical and biophysical properties. Biochemical and biophysical mucus properties are significantly altered in the accelerated decline group. Unsupervised principal component analysis showed clear separation, with mucus biochemistry associated with accelerated decline, while biophysical mucus characteristics contributed to inter-individual variability. When mucus and microbes are considered together, an accelerated decline mucus-microbiome association emerges, characterized by increased mucin (MUC5AC and MUC5B) concentration and the presence of Achromobacter and Klebsiella. As COPD progresses, mucus-microbiome shifts occur, initially characterized by low mucin concentration and transition from viscous to elastic dominance accompanied by the commensals Veillonella, Gemella, Rothia and Prevotella (GOLD A and B) before transition to increased mucus viscosity, mucins, and DNA concentration along with the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms including Haemophilus, Moraxella and Pseudomonas (GOLD E). Mucus-microbiome associations evolve over time with accelerated lung function decline, symptom progression and exacerbations affording fresh therapeutic opportunities for early intervention.

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