
Relevance. The student's age plays a key role in the process of educational and professional socialization of the individual, during which the stage of growing up, developing a sense of identity and planning their future takes place. One of these stages is the process of educational activity, which plays an important role in strengthening faith in one's own success, the ability to be productive. However, there are also obstacles that limit the complex formation of personality ‒ procrastination in postponing academic affairs or academic procrastination.The purpose is to determine the nature of the formation of academic procrastination of students, as well as to identify the importance of motivation in the structure of these factors.Objectives: to conduct an empirical study and analyze the reasons for the formation of academic procrastination of students; to study the educational motives of students, to determine the fundamental difference between the performance of long-term and daily educational tasks, cases of willing fulfillment of these tasks, as well as the emotional prerequisites of students who have decided not to perform educational tasks, regardless of their urgency and time costs.Methodology. The study used a methodology aimed at identifying the motives of educational activity among students, the methodology "PASS procrastination assessment Scale" in the adaptation of M. V. Zvereva, and factor analysis by the method of principal components, as well as a survey of student youth by means of a questionnaire.Results. Interpretation of the data obtained allowed us to confirm the existence of the problem of academic procrastination and its impact on academic motivation among students. Professional and educational-cognitive motives are among the driving motives that guide students to academic activity. The most common form of academic procrastination is procrastination in completing long-term tasks.Conclusions. Further sociological research should take into account a whole set of theoretical and methodological grounds on the basis of which it is possible to present the phenomenon of academic procrastination in its entirety and totality.

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