
Palaeo weathering during the Cretaceous–Eocene interval is most favorable for bauxitization, i.e., transport and deposition in traps on the karstified surfaces of the Mediterranean karst bauxite belt, including the Parnassos–Ghiona bauxite deposit. Resources of lithium (Li), a critical metal of strategic significance in karst-type bauxite deposits, have attracted significant attention in recent years. Due to the discovery of the Li enrichment in certain karstic bauxite deposits in Europe and particularly in China, this review study is focused on the unexplored Li content in the Parnassos–Ghiona (Greece) bauxite deposit, aiming to improve the understanding of the major controlling factors for their origin and enrichment of critical metals. The presence of thin (up to 50 cm) pyrite-bearing coal seams and carbonaceous facies on top of the Parnassos–Ghiona bauxite deposit, at the transition between B3 (the youngest) bauxite horizon and the occurrence of multicolor bauxite ores reflecting a multistage evolution and changes in the mineralogy and geochemistry, is a common feature with other bauxite deposits in Europe and elsewhere. The organic matter, such as microorganisms in coal layers and carbonaceous layers (derived from plants and algae growing in paleo-mires after a regression of the sea), contains Li, which is derived from seawater, as suggested by a positive correlation with B (a seawater component as well). The available geological, mineralogical, and geochemical data highlight the particular significance of coal layers and carbonaceous layers overlying bauxite bodies as a driving force for redox reactions and as a source of Li in the exploration of karst-type bauxite deposits.

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