
Our survey conducted to study the distribution and abundance of plant parasitic nematodes associated with different vegetation in Shoubra El-Kheima. Nematode infection had not been surveyed before in this area. The data showed the presence of ten plant parasitic nematode genera, which were: Meloidogyne sp., Helicotylenchus sp., Criconema sp., Pratylenchus sp., Rotylenchulus, Tylenchorhynchus sp., Tylenchulus, Paratylenchus sp., Tylenchus sp., and Xiphinema sp. Nematodes were extracted by using modified burmman funnel and identified using identification keys. Results showed that Meloidogyne was the most common plant parasitic nematode. Data demonstrated that, 10 genera of plant parasitic nematodes were recorded to be associated with the examined crops. The highest and lowest frequency of occurrence (FO %) of nematodes in vegetable hosts were represented by Meloidogyne and Paratylenchus (26.0% and 10.5% respectively). While, the genera Criconemella, Xiphinema, and Tylenchulus didn't record in the examined vegetable plants. On the other hand, data of fruits recorded that: Highest and lowest Fo% of nematodes were Meloidogyne and Criconemella (53.3% and 7.8% respectively). Ornamentals showed that, highest FO% was Meloidogyne (27.0) and lowest was Tylenchus and Tylenchorhynchus equally (1.7). Conclusion: Meloidogyne, and Pratylenchus were the widest genera in distribution. Moreover, tomato, grapes, and Ficus carica were highly susceptible.


  • Plant parasitic nematodes consider as one of the essential biotic constriction in world agriculture causing economic losses which estimated to be about $70 billion in1987 which equal around 12%/ year (Sasser and Freckman, 1987), reaching up to 20% in some plant crops (Koenning et al, 1999).While it was about US$125 billion in 2003 (Chitwood, 2003)

  • In Egypt, plant-parasitic nematodes have been recorded as important plant pests since 1901

  • Many studies in Egypt reported the presence of large numbers of genera of plantparasitic nematodes associated with many crops, grasses and weeds in different localities, (Abou-Elnaga, 1989; Ibrahim and El- Sharkawy, 2001; Ibrahim et al, 2000; Oteifa et al, 1997) Such as, Meloidogyne sp., Rotylenchulus reniformis, Pratylenchus sp., and Tylenchulus semipenetrans, which are considered as constricting factors to Entsar, H

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Plant parasitic nematodes consider as one of the essential biotic constriction in world agriculture causing economic losses which estimated to be about $70 billion in1987 which equal around 12%/ year (Sasser and Freckman, 1987), reaching up to 20% in some plant crops (Koenning et al, 1999).While it was about US$125 billion in 2003 (Chitwood, 2003). Plant parasitic nematodes in Egypt, such as root-knot ( Meloidogyne ), citrus ( Tylenchulus ), dagger ( Xiphinema ), cyst ( Heterodera ), lesion ( Pratylenchus ), ring ( Criconema), stunt ( Tylenchorhynchus) and spiral ( Helicotylenchus ) (Ibrahim, 2011). The microscopic examination of soil and root samples collected from Faculty of Agriculture clarified the presence of 10 genera of plant-parasitic nematodes belonging to eight families, (Species identification was not possible in several samples from the locality because of the limited number of adult specimens and the presence of mostly juveniles).

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