
Introduction: Anticoagulant therapy after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in patients with atrial fibrillation or deep vein thrombosis has been associated with a marked reduction of death. Prevention of ischemic stroke could explain this reduction. We sought to describe the causes of death after discharge and beyond 30 days in a longitudinal follow-up of a multi-racial/ethnic cohort of ICH. We hypothesized that recurrent ICH and ischemic stroke are the most common cause of death after ICH. Methods: The Ethnic/Racial Variations of Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ERICH) Study was a prospective, multi-center, case-control study of ICH among whites, blacks, and Hispanics. Subjects previously in the ERICH study were approached for enrollment in the Longitudinal Follow-up of ICH Survivors (ERICH-L) study. A standardized research interview was completed over the phone and 959 contacts were made with participants and surrogates to capture outcomes of interest at 6-month intervals, including information on ICH recurrence, ischemic stroke, cognitive performance, and cause of death. The median follow-up was 4.3 years with an IQR of 3.2-5.4. The cause of death categories were ICH, cardiac, ischemic CVA, other, cancer, pulmonary, renal, endocrine, accidents, infection, dementia and unknown. Results: There were 180 deaths (18.8%) reported by surrogates contacted in the ERICH-L study. Of those, 63 causes of death were unknown or considered unverifiable. The most common cause of death reported was decline from the index ICH (32.7%). The next most common cause of death was cardiac (14%), other (12.1%), infection (11.2%), cancer (10.3%) and ischemic stroke (1.9%). Some examples reported as other are liver failure, old age, myelodysplastic syndrome, suicide and Parkinson’s Disease. Recurrent ICH occurred in 4 out of 107 known causes of death. By year 5, cardiac causes surpassed ICH as the cause of death. Conclusion: Cardiac causes of death were more common than either recurrent ICH or ischemic stroke, surpassed only by decline from the index ICH. Future efforts to prevent causes of death after ICH should address cardiac disease and risk factors. This finding may explain the effect of restarting anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy and improved mortality.

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