
Objective: Quality of transitional care is associated with important health outcomes such as rehospitalization, increased medical errors, and costs. A widely used measure of the construct, the Care Transitions Measure (CTM-15), was developed and validated with relatively small samples and classical test theory approach. The short version of the measure (CTM-3) was recently included in the CAHPS® Hospital Survey. We aimed to conduct a psychometric evaluation of the CTM-15 in a large sample and evaluate whether an item response theory (IRT) based scoring would lead to better measurement precision. Methods: As part of TRACE-CORE 1545 participants were interviewed during hospitalization for ACS providing information on general health status (SF-36). At 1 month following discharge, patients completed CTM items, health utilization and care process questions. We evaluated the psychometric properties of the CTM using descriptive statistics, factor analyses, and item response theory analyses. We compared the measu...

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