Introduction: Ablation of non-pulmonary vein triggers (NPVTs) after pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) may reduce atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence. Localizing a trigger which initiates AF after a single atrial ectopic beat is challenging, especially in the scenario when the trigger P wave is obscured by preceding QRS-T complex. Aim: To evaluate the potential for noninvasive electrocardiographic imaging (ECGi) to localize NPVTs when the P wave morphology is superimposed on the T wave of the previous beat. Methods: We developed an algorithm which overlays and subtracts the preceding QRS-T wave complex from the QRS-T wave complex which is obscuring the P wave of interest, thus revealing the P wave morphology (Figure 1A). Resultant unobscured P waves (from multiple body surface electrodes) are then used for ECGi computation. In five patients undergoing AF ablation, after PVI, we paced from 15 atrial sites where NPVTs commonly arise, and evaluated the epicardial activation maps generated by ECGi both when pacing was timed to ensure an unobscured P wave and when timed to coincide with preceding QRS-T complex. Co-registration of CT-based ECGi activation maps with invasive electroanatomic map (EAM) allowed comparison of the earliest activation site on ECGi map from both the obscured P waves after QRS-T subtraction and unobscured P waves with true pacing locations on EAM (Figure 1B). Results: From 146 pacing sites in our patient cohort, for the unobscured P waves, median distance between earliest site on ECGi map and EAM pacing location was 16 mm (10-21 mm), and for obscured P waves after QRS-T subtraction, median distance was also 16 mm (12-23 mm) (Figure 1C). Conclusion: Using a QRS-T subtraction algorithm, ECGi can approximate origin of paced P waves whether P wave is unobscured or obscured by the preceding QRS-T complex. Spontaneous NPVT P waves are commonly obscured by the QRS-T wave and the ability to rapidly localize an early coupled P wave may facilitate NPVT mapping and ablation.
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