
Case Presentation: A 19-year-old female presented for elective septorhinoplasty for nasal septal deviation and turbinate hypertrophy. After induction of anesthesia, and orotracheal intubation, pledgets soaked in 4% topical lidocaine with 1:1,000 epinephrine were placed in bilateral nares. Next, 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine was locally injected in the nasal mucosa to obtain hemostasis and analgesia. This resulted in transient hypertensive emergency, followed by undifferentiated shock requiring the initiation of norepinephrine. No signs of ischemia were seen on EKG. Chest X-ray revealed acute pulmonary edema. TTE showed reduced left ventricular systolic function, EF 30%, with mid-segment akinesis, consistent with mid-ventricular stress cardiomyopathy. Coronary angiography identified normal anatomy and patent arteries, supporting the diagnosis. Surveillance TTE after extubation and empiric treatment with metoprolol and losartan, showed improvement of EF to 45-50% and resolution of regional wall motion abnormalities. Discussion: Stress cardiomyopathy, also known as Takotsubo (TCM), is a rare form of cardiomyopathy accounting for 2-3% of ACS. The syndrome mainly affects the LV, causing a regional, transient, systolic dysfunction visualized on TTE or left ventriculography, that occurs in the absence of obstructive epicardial coronary lesions. Pathogenesis is poorly understood. Postulated mechanisms include catecholamine excess, coronary artery spasm and microvascular dysfunction. A systematic review found elevated norepinephrine levels in 74.3% of patients diagnosed with TCM, as was the case for our patient. Rapid systemic absorption of epinephrine can cause diffuse microvascular spasm and myocardial stunning. Catecholamine surge may also afflict direct myocardial toxicity, leading to disorganized cytoskeletal structures, excess extracellular matrix proteins and dysfunctional contractile properties of the myocardium.

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