
We investigate the origin and physical properties of OVI absorbers at low redshift (z = 0.25) using a subset of cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations from the OverWhelmingly Large Simulations (OWLS) project. Intervening OVI absorbers are believed to trace shock-heated gas in the Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) and may thus play a key role in the search for the missing baryons in the present-day Universe. When compared to observations, the predicted distributions of the different OVI line parameters (column density, Doppler parameter, rest equivalent width) from our simulations exhibit a lack of strong OVI absorbers. This suggests that physical processes on sub-grid scales (e.g. turbulence) may strongly influence the observed properties of OVI systems. We find that the intervening OVI absorption arises mainly in highly metal-enriched (0.1 << Z/Z_sun < 1) gas at typical overdensities of 1 << rho/<rho> < 100. One third of the OVI absorbers in our simulation are found to trace gas at temperatures T < 10^5 K, while the rest arises in gas at higher temperatures around T =10^5.3 K. The OVI resides in a similar region of (rho,T)-space as much of the shock-heated baryonic matter, but the vast majority of this gas has a lower metal content and does not give rise to detectable OVI absorption As a consequence of the patchy metal distribution, OVI absorbers in our simulations trace only a very small fraction of the cosmic baryons (<2 percent) and the cosmic metals. Instead, these systems presumably trace previously shock-heated, metal-rich material from galactic winds that is now cooling. The common approach of comparing OVI and HI column densities to estimate the physical conditions in intervening absorbers from QSO observations may be misleading, as most of the HI (and most of the gas mass) is not physically connected with the high-metallicity patches that give rise to the OVI absorption.

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