
The (d, α) and (d, p) reactions on 14N have been calibrated relative to the 16O(d, p 1) 17O reaction at deuteron energies of 972 and 1200 keV, using high purity NO and N 2O condensed on a thick Au or Pt substrate at 20 K. Six clearly resolvable nitrogen groups have been calibrated with an overall accuracy of ±3%. With the aid of two primary standards (Ta 2O 5 and Bi-implanted Si), all relative cross-sections have been converted into absolute values. Excellent agreement with earlier measurements of the 16O(d, p 1) cross-section is obtained; the nitrogen groups, however, all exhibit markedly smaller cross-sections than previously reported. One very weak 14N group fell under the p 1 peak of the 16O reactions; hence, the spectrum from a frozen NH 3 target was used to evaluate the necessary background correction to the observed 16O p 1 yields.

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