In this paper we consider a chemotaxis system with signal consumption and degenerate diffusion of the form ut=∇⋅(D(u)∇u−uS(u)∇v)+f(u,v),vt=Δv−uv,in a bounded domain Ω⊂RN with smooth boundary subjected to no-flux and homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Herein, the diffusion coefficient D∈C0([0,∞))∩C2((0,∞)) is assumed to satisfy D(0)=0, D(s)>0 on (0,∞), D′(s)≥0 on (0,∞) and that there are s0>0, p>1 and CD>0 such that sD′(s)≤CDD(s)andCDsp−1≤D(s)fors∈[0,s0].The sensitivity function S∈C2([0,∞)) and the source term f∈C1([0,∞)×[0,∞)) are supposed to be nonnegative.We show that for all suitably regular initial data (u0,v0) satisfying u0≥δ0>0 and v0⁄≡0 there is a time-local classical solution and – despite the degeneracy at 0 – the solution satisfies an extensibility criterion of the form eitherTmax=∞,orlim supt↗Tmax‖u(⋅,t)‖L∞(Ω)=∞.Moreover, as a by-product of our analysis, we prove that a classical solution on Ω×(0,T) obeying ‖u(⋅,t)‖L∞(Ω)≤Mu for all t∈(0,T) and emanating from initial data (u0,v0) as specified above remains strictly positive throughout Ω×(0,T), i.e. one can find δu=δu(T,δ0,Mu,‖v0‖W1,∞(Ω))>0 such that u(x,t)≥δufor all(x,t)∈Ω×(0,T).Together, the results indicate that the formation of a dead-core in these chemotaxis systems with a degenerate diffusion are impossible before the blow-up time.
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