
Purpose. To determine the main directions of research, based on the analysis of the UA scientists’ works devoted to the study of problems of industrial nature management, features of the development and functioning of various industries within the territory of the Lviv region. Results. Today, the transformation of the system of nature management goes beyond economic transformations and cannot ignore the previously described theories. Various issues of industrial nature use, its geospatial features in the region and the ecological problems caused by its development as well as features of their development and functioning within the territory of region allow to define the following basic directions of these researches: aspects of certain industries development, environmental and economic problems of industrial development. Conclusions. The powerful potential of nature management in the Lviv region can ensure the effectiveness of the transformations carried out in the region with a combination among economic, social and humanitarian spheres. The urgent tasks of the further development are as follows: to create an effective qualitatively advanced structure of the economy of the high-tech industrial complex of the developed social infrastructure as well as to improve the ecological situation and living conditions of the population in the region.


  • The transformation of the system of nature management goes beyond economic transformations and cannot ignore the previously described theories

  • Various issues of industrial nature use, its geospatial features in the region and the ecological problems caused by its development as well as features of their development and functioning within the territory of region allow to define the following basic directions of these researches: aspects of certain industries development, environmental and economic problems of industrial development

  • The powerful potential of nature management in the Lviv region can ensure the effectiveness of the transformations carried out in the region with a combination among economic, social and humanitarian spheres

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ДО ПИТАНЬ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ ПРОБЛЕМ ПРОМИСЛОВОГО ПРИРОДОКОРИСТУВАННЯ НА ТЕРИТОРІЇ ЛЬВІВСЬКОЇ ОБЛАСТІ На основі аналізу праць вітчизняних вчених, що присвячені вивченню проблем промислового природокористування, особливостей розвитку та функціонування різноманітних галузей промисловості в межах території Львівської області, визначити основні напрями їх досліджень. Його геопросторових особливостей на теренах області та спричинених його розвитком екологічних проблем, особливостей їх розвитку та функціонування в межах території регіону, дає змогу визначити такі основні напрями цих досліджень: геологічні дослідження, характеристика історичних аспектів розвитку тих чи інших галузей промисловості, екологічні та економічні проблеми розвитку промисловості.

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