
The article presents the facts of possible gas field discovery in Petukhovo district of Kurgan region. In 1962, a structural prospecting well 4-G was drilled to a depth of 928 m in the area of Petukhovo state farm in Kurgan region. When drilling the well in the process of trial pumping from a depth of 900.85-923.4 m, a gas release occurred with a rapid release of combustible methane gas. The first signs of weak carbonation were observed from a depth of 227 m, gas indicators didn't exceed 7%.Subsequent seismic surveys established a calm occurrence of sediments of Mesocainozoic age and revealed a weak dislocation of rocks of the Paleozoic complex. The study of the surface of the lower reference reflecting horizon, which is linked to the bottoms of Mesozoic sediments or the roof of the Paleozoic foundation, made it possible to identify three local positive structures: Medvedevskoe, in the area of Lake Medvezhye, measuring 4×13 km, contoured with an isohypse of -700 m, with an amplitude of 50 m; the west of the village of Kazantsevskoye, measuring 1×2.5 km, contoured with an isohypse of -650 m; the north of the village of Kazantsevskoye, measuring 2×3.5 km, contoured with an isohypse of -700 m, with an amplitude of 50 m. The selected structures at that time were recommended for testing oil and gas prospects by drilling. In case of positive results, it was recommended to continue areal seismic studies in order to delineate the selected uplifts the north of the village of Pashkovo and the northwest of the village of Grenadiers, followed by their verification by drilling.The authors of the article carried out an expedition to Petukhovo district. As a result, they found liquidated wells in the north of Lake Domozhirovo (presumably, wells 4-G and 2-PR), the conditions of mouths of these wells were established. The authors give recommendations for conducting geological exploration in the territory of Petukhovo district.

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