
The purpose of the article is consider in research of statistical methodology for studying regions of the Russian Federation in terms of investment attractiveness. The world practice shows that investment growth ensure the economy growth both at national level and regional level. The maxim is proved by the experience of most countries which have committed in the past decade a sharp spurt in its economic development. This realization has led to the fact that both developed and emerging economies try to attract investment in the economy on a national and regional scale and it is considered as one of the priorities of economic policy In the context of geopolitical instability, deteriorating economic conditions, the weakening of the Russian Federation in the global market need to pay more attention to the investment policy and the attractiveness of the regions. Investment activity and attractiveness of territories today – a reserve of development and real way to achieve strategic objectives. An important factor in the development of regions is their investment attractiveness. Meanwhile, at present there is no method of statistical research of investment attractiveness adapted to regional features. Regions of the Russian Federation have significant differences in investment attractiveness by various factors. The article analyzes factors which influence the inflow of investments in the regions of Russia and identifies groups of regions with similar characteristics of investment attractiveness. Materials and methods. The methods of evaluation of investment attractiveness of territories (regions and cities) are discussed. The reasons for the investment is proposed to be assessed by the production potential of the regional economy, the domestic market of the region, sectoral types of economy (agriculture, extraction of natural resources), and the infrastructure of the region. The methodological basis of the study consists of works on regional statistics, mathematical modeling, and econometrics. Graphic and tabular methods of visualization of research results, statistical methods of analysis of economic phenomena were used. To solve the tasks of the study, application packages SPSS, Statistica were used. Results. This paper provides an analysis of Russia’s investment attractiveness and demonstrates current investment situation in the country. In conclusion, this report addresses key challenges of attracting investment in Russia, clarified the essence of investment attractiveness as an object of statistical research; revealed features of the regions; recommendations on the formation of a system of statistical indicators characterizing the investment attractiveness of the region; identified groups of regions with similar characteristics of investment attractiveness. Conclusion. The article discusses differentiation of Russian regions in their investment activity, analyses the factors led to this differentiation. The heterogeneity of investment space in Russia is one of the features of its economy. High investment attractiveness is a key factor in improving the competitiveness of the country, a significant and sustained financial growth. Identification of regions with similar characteristics of investment attractiveness allows us to develop management solutions adapted to regional characteristics.

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