
Microorganisms as the biotic factor are capable to participate in processes leaching of a rock of an oil layer directly, and also by secretion of various agents leaching -gases, acids, spirits, slime, etc. The basic mechanism leaching of a rock is formation of chelates by microbial agents with minerals of a rock. The order of carrying out of elements from minerals of rock of a class alumosilicates basically is defined by structure and property of the mineral. The elements making cristallic a lattice of a mineral will least intensively be mobilized; isomorphically replaced or exchange ions which are taking place on peripheral sites of mineral particles will most intensively be mobilized . Knowledge of physical and chemical features of a collector - the nature and a cementing mineral of a rock, his maintenance in a rock, type of cement (bazalic or pore type etc.) and other parameters, in the certain degree allow to predict probability of shaking of structure of a rock of a collector and speed of his destruction during technological influence. At selective leaching minerals of collector properties of rock can be modified both aside deterioration, and aside improvements of filtrational properties of pore spaces of a reservoir. Deterioration of collector properties can be shown, for example, in display sand recovery to wells-bottom (most likely in the first in sandy collectors with the small maintenance of a cementing material of montmorillonite type). In collectors with the high maintenance of a cementing material (bazalic or pore type of cement) leaching can promote substantial improvement of collector properties in connection with increase of permeability due to formation of secondary porosity.

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