
Introduction. Abnormal placentation is a challenge of diagnostic and treatment for all perinatal health professionals. The most important risk factors for the development of pathological placental invasion have been identified as birth by previous cesarean section, placenta praevia and advanced maternal age. Antenatal diagnosis can reduce morbidity and mortality; it is usually determined by grayscale ultrasound and confirmed by nuclear magnetic resonance, which can better delimit the degree of placental invasion. The management of pathological placental invasion is one complex and multidisciplinary, because abnormal placentation is associated with significant maternal morbidity and mortality. Objective: to present a literature review on the topic of abnormal placentation based on international studies. Methods and materials: research in international databases by applying in the MedLine search systems, Web of Science keywords – abnormal placentation, cesarean section, placenta accreta, placenta previa, hysterectomy. Results. With the identification of risk factors and the possibilities of obstetric ultrasonography, many cases of placenta accreta are diagnosed prenatally. However, not all patients have access to ultrasound, skilled ultrasound or experienced radiologists or obstetricians who can make these prenatal diagnoses. Due to these limitations, cases of abnormal placenta can only be encountered at birth. Therefore, it is important for all obstetricians to be familiar with the epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis and management of these potentially very morbid and fatal pathologies of abnormal placentation.


  • Conform unui studiu național de amploare realizat in Marea Britanie în anii 2010-2011, s-au confirmat în total 134 de cazuri de placentă accreta/increta/percreta într-un număr de 798 634 de nașteri, reprezentând o incidență de 1,7 la 10 000 nașteri

  • It is important for all obstetricians to be familiar with the epidemiology, risk factors, diagnosis and management of these potentially very morbid and fatal pathologies of abnormal placentation

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Патологическая плацентация – это проблема диагностики и лечения для специалистов в области перинатального здравоохранения. Наиболее важными факторами риска развития патологической инвазии плаценты являются роды после предыдущего кесарева сечения, предложение плаценты и возраст матери. Антенатальная диагностика может снизить заболеваемость и смертность; патология выявляется с помощью ультразвука в оттенках серого и подтверждается ядерным магнитным резонансом, который может лучше определить степень проникновения плаценты. Лечение патологической инвазии плаценты является многопрофильным комплексом, поскольку патология плаценты связана со значительной материнской заболеваемостью и смертностью. Цель: представить обзор литературы по теме патологической плацентации на основе международных публикаций. Методы и материалы: исследования в международных базах данных с использованием поисковых систем Medline, PubMed

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