
Study this background by students who have not capable write review , because lack of interest student in write feedback , students also not enough give comment when the teacher explains Theory learning because the learning model used by the teacher is less varied . Study this aim for describe ability write book document official with using the investigative model group on student class XI SMAN 2 Ranah Coastal . Type study this is study quantitative with method descriptive . The Population in study this is student class XI SMAN 2 Ranah coastal , whereas sample is class XI IPS 2, with a total of 35 students . Data in study this in the form of score ability write review book with the investigative model group Study this conclude that ability average score write review book student class XI SMAN 2 Ranah Coastal with the investigative model group is at on level 76-85% mastery with qualification Good (B) with an average gain of . of 81.33. On indicator I ( title ) average count 93.33 with qualification very good (BS), average count indicator 2 ( book data ) 83.81 with qualification good (B), average count on indicator 3 ( opening ) 74.28 with qualification more from enough ( LdC ), then the average count indicator 4 ( content and reviewer content ) is 80 with qualification good (B) and average count indicator 5 ( closing ) 74.28 with qualification more from enough ( LdC ) ). Based on Thing that , can concluded that the Group Investigation model can used in increase ability write review book student class XI SMAN 2 Ranah Coastal .

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