
This paper presents the case study of a health campaign for mobile devices launched in Italy in 2019 aimed at raising viral hepatitis awareness. The research project "ABC epatite. Sviluppo di una app per la prevenzione delle epatiti virali e per la consapevolezza dei comportamenti a rischio", winner of the 2018 Digital Health Program of Gilead Italia, was carried out by the Italian National Research Council. The project entailed the development of a free Italian language Progressive Web App (PWA) providing current and scientifically validated information on viral hepatitis (A, B and C). A mobile first PWA health awareness app was implemented (https://epatite.web.app) together with an Android app version. Diversified landing pages cater to two target audiences: general public and schools. An initial campaign was directed toward engaging schools in nine Italian regions. Preliminary results based on the campaign directed toward Italian schools in just under half of its regions have shown promise on the feasibility of reaching large audiences and encouraging engagement on viral hepatitis prevention. A mobile first approach to health communication is a cost-effective way to help reaching the goal of eradicating viral hepatitis by reducing infections and deaths.

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