
Little real-life information is available on the clinical characteristics of information and communication technologies (ICTs) users, particularly in the context of hypertension and home blood pressure measurement (HBPM). This retrospective observational study describes HBPM practices obtained through the Hy-Result® system, a validated app designed to help patients perform HBPM and understand their results through an automatic interpretation of the readings using web interface. We analyzed 19,176 HBPM reports (sequence of 1 to 7 days of measurements; 3 in the morning, 3 in the evening) collected in real life circumstances from two groups of users: primary care (Prim) and hypertension center (Hosp). Population: among the 19,176 reports, 63.2% declared receiving antihypertensive medication, having diabetes (15.2%), chronic kidney disease (9.7%) or history of stroke (7.6%). Treated users were older than normotensives [mean ± standard deviation (SD) age 64±12 vs. 58±14 years] with higher prevalence of comorbidities. Compliance with the HBPM schedule: the majority of reports (90.2%) totaled 15 systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) readings or more, of which 96.1% were Hosp users and 89.3% Prim users, with a significant difference between both groups (P<0.001). The compliance rate for 7 days of measurement was higher in the Hosp group (57.6% vs. 30.5%; P<0.001). Blood pressure (BP) levels: in the 17,289 reports with a minimum of 15 readings, 42.7% had an average SBP and/or DBP above the recommended thresholds (below 135 and/or 85 mmHg), among whom, 36.8% were untreated subjects. Hosp users had better BP control than Prim (P<0.001). Users that are followed in the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) excellence center (Hosp) had better BP control than those in a Prim setting (P<0.001). HBPM oscillometric devices: in both groups, treated patients and untreated users, used the arm cuff devices more frequently than the wrist device. Our real-life study shows that 90% of the HBPM reports include the required minimum number of BP readings to allow the calculation of a reliable average among whom 40% have uncontrolled BP levels. The self-management Hy-Result web app demonstrates significant potential for inclusion in the patient care process and reinforces the patient's engagement to independently monitor and self-reported their BP. When the mean BP is not within the recommended range, the users were automatically prompted by text messages to seek medical advice by the software. Further research should determine the extent to which users adhere to text messages advice.

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