The non-resonant tunneling regime for charge transfer across nanojunctions is critically dependent on the so-called \beta{} parameter, governing the exponential decay of the current as the length of the junction increases. For periodic materials, this parameter can be theoretically evaluated by computing the complex band structure (CBS) -- or evanescent states -- of the material forming the tunneling junction. In this work we present the calculation of the CBS for organic polymers using a variety of computational schemes, including standard local, semilocal, and hybrid-exchange density functionals, and many-body perturbation theory within the GW approximation. We compare the description of localization and \beta{} parameters among the adopted methods and with experimental data. We show that local and semilocal density functionals systematically underestimate the \beta{} parameter, while hybrid-exchange schemes partially correct for this discrepancy, resulting in a much better agreement with GW calculations and experiments. Self-consistency effects and self-energy representation issues of the GW corrections are discussed together with the use of Wannier functions to interpolate the electronic band-structure.
The fields of molecular electronics and charge transport through nanojunctions have been extensively investigated in the past 15 years.[1,2,3] At the experimental level many techniques have been developed, including those based on break junctions, nanostructured and scanning probe layouts, and self-assembled monolayers.[3,4] Significant improvements in the accuracy with which these junctions are characterized have been achieved over the years, e.g., to address the I-V characteristics of single molecular junctions
We note that the PA1 geometry is very similar to the one adopted in Refs. 83–85, where c = 2.457 Aand the bond length alternation (BLA) is set to 1.360/1.440 A, according to experimental data.[86,87]
While the coupling of the electronic structure with the structural properties is evident and critical in the case of PA, it is much less pronounced for PPV and PPI, where it accounts for a correction term only, the leading contribution being the description of the electronic levels
Even though the β0 parameter depends[6,8,9,10] on the detailed nature of the interface, it carries mostly information about the properties of the tunneling layer itself, which makes β0 an interesting analysis and characterization tool These measurements are performed using different setups, ranging from metal-insulator-metal (MIM) junctions, as mentioned above, to the evaluation of kinetic constants of electrotransfer reactions (optically or electrochemically induced) in donor-bridge-acceptor molecular complexes.[11–15] In terms of systems, measurements have been performed on a number of cases, ranging from saturated olephins (alkanes)[5,12,13] to biological molecules (such as DNA).[16–18].
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