Medical-image segmentation is of primary importance in the development of computer assisted detection (CAD) of mammographic masses. Image segmentation is used for finding regions of interest (ROI) within mammograms that are further processed to estimate their likelihood of being a potential lesion or mass. This task can be stated as follows: A gray-scale image is represented as a 1D array X = (x1, x2,...,xN), where xn is an input feature for pixel n and N is the total number of pixels in the image. The input feature vector xn may be a D dimensional vector or simply the gray-scale value of the pixel n. Let the underlying true segmentation of the image be denoted as Y = (y1, y2,..., yN). It is assumed that the number of classes is predetermined as a set of known class labels Il, where l Iµ {1,..., L{ and therefore the class label of pixel n is indicated as y n â{I l } L l=1 . The task is to predict the A·n estimate of the segmentation for each pixel. In an automated system, such likelihood estimates are generated using a classifier that takes as input some features that describe region properties, e.g., image texture. The segmentation of digital mammograms is a difficult task. A number of different approaches have been adopted in this area with varying success. Broadly speaking, image segmentation can be carried out either as: (1) image preprocessing step with the main objective of identifying regions of interest (spatially coherent collection of pixels within the image) and a subsequent feature extraction and classification step is required to characterize a given region of interest as either normal or suspicious; or (2) part of the overall classification scheme, where the likelihood of each pixel being suspicious is calculated to generate a probability image using pixel-based features as input to a classifier. The probability image is thereafter thresholded to give both the segmentation and classification output. The main difference between (1) and (2) is that in the first case, image segmentation is needed before classification can be performed; whereas in the second case, classification and segmentation are both based on thresholding probability estimates of pixels and are achieved at the same time. The image segmentation approaches, with the aim of finding regions of interest, were first attempted in digital mammography with varying techniques, including global thresholding, region growing, region clustering, template matching, edge operators and filtering, and edge-based hybrid methods. Image segmentation is developed from pixel-based probability estimation is underpinned by modeling features using parametric methods, Gaussian mixture modeling, Markov random fields, and other methods. A detailed discussion on mammogram-based image segmentation with their algorithms is available in Singh and Bovis. Experience shows that it is quite difficult to select an outright winning image-segmentation method, since different approaches have been shown to be suitable for different data sets and show varied performance under different experimental conditions. However, there is a consensus that image segmentation in medical imaging is most successful when explicitly using a priori information about the problem to be studied.
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