
I point out the syntonies between the feminist theory of cinema and certain experimental cinema produced by women, whose practices defy the sexist and fetishist forms of hegemonic model. With this approach one may find Trinh T. Minh-ha’s cinema that exploits expressive strategies using sound as an essential resource of an experimental practice that allows the encounter between practice and theory. Keywords: cinema theory; artistic vanguard; experimental cinema; documentary.


  • Résumé : Nous rappelons les liens de syntonie qui unissent la théorie féministe du cinéma et certains cinémas expérimentaux produits par les femmes, dont les pratiques défient les formes plus sexistes et fétichistes du modèle hégémonique

  • It was feminism that gave a new urgency to the politics of culture and focused attention on connections between oppression and command of language

  • Excluded from creative traditions, subjected to patriarchal ideology within literature, popular arts and visual representation, women had to formulate an opposition to cultural sexism and discover a means of expression that broke with an art that had depended, for its existence, on an exclusively masculine concept of creativity

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Any revolutionary strategy must challenge the depiction of reality; it is not enough to discuss the oppression of women within the text of the film; the language of the cinema/the depiction of reality must be interrogated, so that a break between ideology and text is effected. Retornando a exemplos de cineastas que têm relação mais direta com as questões feministas no cenário norte-americano, podemos citar o caso de Su Friedrich, cujos filmes transitam entre estratégias do cinema narrativo, do documentário e do experimental, com trabalhos que refletem sobre sua vida pessoal e abordam temas relacionados ao universo feminino desde uma perspectiva homossexual, mantendo uma produção regular desde o final da década de 1970 até os dias atuais. Intitulado “Ideology and the practice of sound editing and mixing”, publicado em 1980, Mary Ann Doane trata das questões ideológicas do aparato cinematográfico relativas à edição e à mixagem do som no cinema de modo mais amplo e não apenas em relação ao uso da voz. Ela é a norma em relação à qual esses relacionamentos aderem ou se afastam. 12 (Silverman, 1984: 132)

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