
Peakons (peaked solitons) are particular solutions admitted by certain nonlinear PDEs, most famously the Camassa–Holm shallow water wave equation. These solutions take the form of a train of peak-shaped waves, interacting in a particle-like fashion. In this article we give an overview of the mathematics of peakons, with particular emphasis on the connections to classical problems in analysis, such as Padé approximation, mixed Hermite–Padé approximation, multi-point Padé approximation, continued fractions of Stieltjes type and (bi)orthogonal polynomials. The exposition follows the chronological development of our understanding, exploring the peakon solutions of the Camassa–Holm, Degasperis–Procesi, Novikov, Geng–Xue and modified Camassa–Holm (FORQ) equations. All of these paradigm examples are integrable systems arising from the compatibility condition of a Lax pair, and a recurring theme in the context of peakons is the need to properly interpret these Lax pairs in the sense of Schwartz’s theory of distributions. We trace out the path leading from distributional Lax pairs to explicit formulas for peakon solutions via a variety of approximation-theoretic problems, and we illustrate the peakon dynamics with graphics.

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