
Stress, poor eating, smoking, drinking, drug use, and malnutrition contribute to an unhealthy lifestyle. A harmful lifestyle results in medical issues such as metabolic disorders, joint and bone disorders, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, obesity, and aggression. WHO states, "Health is a complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Recently, a fourth dimension of spiritual health has also been suggested but has failed to define it in a way that distinguishes it from religion. The clarifies coping strategies for a variety of life circumstances. The dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna demonstrates constructive coping mechanisms. The purpose of all these spiritual paths is known as yogas, which include , which focuses on knowledge, , which emphasizes effort; and which emphasizes love and devotion. The recommends specific foods (Sattvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic) to help us maintain our compassion after consuming them. The Gita claims that Lord Krishna informed us of the consequences of eating particular foods. Simultaneously, practicing the develops a physically fit personality, emotionally stable, intellectually brilliant, and spiritually awakened nature. Patanjali mentions four propounds the or eight parts or limbs. This review highlighted the concepts of holistic health limited to , and the mentioned in the and in .

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