
. A Markov property associates a set of conditional independencies to a graph. Two alternative Markov properties are available for chain graphs (CGs), the Lauritzen–Wermuth–Frydenberg (LWF) and the Andersson–Madigan– Perlman (AMP) Markov properties, which are different in general but coincide for the subclass of CGs with no flags. Markov equivalence induces a partition of the class of CGs into equivalence classes and every equivalence class contains a, possibly empty, subclass of CGs with no flags itself containing a, possibly empty, subclass of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs). LWF-Markov equivalence classes of CGs can be naturally characterized by means of the so-called largest CGs, whereas a graphical characterization of equivalence classes of DAGs is provided by the essential graphs. In this paper, we show the existence of largest CGs with no flags that provide a natural characterization of equivalence classes of CGs of this kind, with respect to both the LWF- and the AMP-Markov properties. We propose a procedure for the construction of the largest CGs, the largest CGs with no flags and the essential graphs, thereby providing a unified approach to the problem. As by-products we obtain a characterization of graphs that are largest CGs with no flags and an alternative characterization of graphs which are largest CGs. Furthermore, a known characterization of the essential graphs is shown to be a special case of our more general framework. The three graphical characterizations have a common structure: they use two versions of a locally verifiable graphical rule. Moreover, in case of DAGs, an immediate comparison of three characterizing graphs is possible.

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