
We explore electromagnetic (EM) wave incidence upon gratings of reconfigurable metamaterial cylinders, which collectively act as a metagrating, to identify their potential as reconfigurable subwavelength surfaces. The metacylinders are created by a closely spaced, microstructured array of thin plates that, in the limit of small inter-plate spacing, are described by a semi-analytical continuum model. We build upon metacylinder analysis in water waves, translating this to EM for TE polarization (longitudinal magnetic field) for which the metacylinders exhibit anisotropic scattering; this is exploited for the multiple scattering of light by an infinite metagrating of uniform cylinder radius and angle, for which we retrieve the far-field reflection and transmission spectra for plane-wave incidence. These spectra reveal unusual effects including perfect reflection and a negative Goos–Hänchen shift in the transmitted field, as well as perfect symmetry in the far-field scattering coefficients. The metagrating also hosts Rayleigh–Bloch surface waves, whose dispersion is contingent on the uniform cylinder angle, shifting under rotation towards the light-line as the cylinder angle approaches the horizontal. For both plane-wave scattering and the calculation of the array-guided modes, the cylinder angle is the principal variable in determining the wave interaction, and the metagrating is tunable simply through rotation of the constituent metacylinders.

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