
Abstract Tourism is one of the areas which is constantly making progress. While 10 years ago tourists enjoyed a holiday by the sea in a beautiful resort with even more beautiful weather and clean beach, eventually winter holiday in the ski resort with regularly adjusted slope, enough snow and comfortable accommodation, today it is different. Based on a survey among the clients of the Slovak travel agency it was found out that the clients are interested in the trip involving the climb on the Matterhorn mountain which has not been offered in the proposition yet. Travel agency together with the specialized academic workplace processed the trip project for more demanding clientele to this less common destination, this means on Matterhorn mountain, accompanied by the mountain guides. This way the travel agency gained a competitive advantage because no other Slovak travel agency organizes a tour of this type. It has to be considered the safety of the participants of the trip and wind conditions in the final destination. The profit margin was established at 45%. Under the term „ demanding clientele” we mean the clients who do not long for a stay at the seaside but on the contrary they love to increase adrenaline and are not afraid to test their abilities in extreme situations. There is a competition not only among the individual travel agencies but due to access to information via the Internet there are more and more tourists who are able to arrange a demanding sightseeing trip to various countries themselves. The special exception is mountain tourism and climbing which is demanding for the accompanying services – providing mounting guides, transport of the backpacks in hilly terrain. Climbing is the risky sport, it is necessary to have a secure professional accompaniment.

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