
In 20 healthy subjects, 16-channel surface electromyograms (EMG) were recorded with the mandible in its postural position, during compensation for forces applied from ipsilateral, contralateral and frontal positions, and during force-constant biting on a unilaterally placed force transducer. After artefact elimination, EMG power spectra were calculated on the basis of the original EMG curves via fast Fourier transformation. Using spectral EMG characteristics, EMG maps were computed by means of an interpolation algorithm and an imaging procedure. Spectral EMG maps were demonstrated for all the test conditions. Significant differences of myoelectrical activity were verified between the 16 electrode positions. Moreover, the levels and/or the topographical distributions of spectral EMG powers differed significantly between the test conditions. During biting as well as with contralaterally and frontally applied forces, the highest EMG activity was found in the inferior third of the masseter and the lowest in the superior third. With ipsilaterally applied forces, the topographical distribution of the total EMG power was completely changed. The power maximum was frequently demonstrated in the superior, especially the posterosuperior, third of the muscle, the minimum in the inferior third. In the postural position of the mandible, EMG activity decreased from the anterior to the posterior regions of the masseter. If the bite force or the horizontally applied forces were enhanced, EMG activity increased significantly but the EMG map structures were only changed in some details. The topographical distribution of myoelectrical activity demonstrated by EMG maps characterizes the intramuscular activation patterns of distinct masseter functions. The patterns found conformed with the muscle's functional morphology. Changes in normal topographical EMG distribution could therefore be considered as an indication of muscular dysfunctions.

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