
Changes in N-NO2 bond strength, ring strain energy and electrostatic potential upon formation of intermolecular H-bonds between HF and the nitro group in nitrogen heterocyclic rings C n H2n N-NO2 (n = 2-5), RDX and HMX were investigated using DFT-B3LYP and MP2(full) methods with the 6-311++G(2df,2p) and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets. Analysis of electron density shifts was also carried out. The results indicate that H-bonding energy correlates well with the increment of ring strain energy. Upon complex formation, the strength of the N-NO2 trigger-bond is enhanced, suggesting reduced sensitivity, while judged by the increased ring strain energy, sensitivity is increased. However, some features of the molecular surface electrostatic potential, such as a local maximum above the N-NO2 bond and ring, σ + (2) and electrostatic balance parameter ν, remain essentially unchanged upon complex formation, and only a small change in the impact sensitivity h 50 is suggested. It is not sufficient to determine sensitivity solely on the basis of trigger bond or ring strain; as a global feature of a molecule, the molecular surface electrostatic potential is available to help judge the change of sensitivity in H-bonded complexes. Graphical Abstract The strengthened N-NO2 bond suggests reduced sensitivity, while it is reverse by theincreased ring strain energy upon the complex formation. However, the molecular surfaceelectrostatic potential (V S) shows the little change of h 50. The V S should be taken into accountin the analysis of explosive sensitivity in the H-bonded complex.

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