
Implicit within the acceptance of most multidimensional scaling models as accurate representations of an individual's cognitive structure for a set of complex stimuli, is the acceptance of the more general Additive Difference Model (ADM). A theoretical framework for testing the ordinal properties of the ADM for dissimilarities data is presented and is illustrated for a set of three-outcome gambles. Paired comparison dissimilarity judgments were obtained for two sets of gambles. Judgments from one set were first analyzed using the ALSCAL individual differences scaling model. Based on four highly interpretable dimensions derived from this analysis, a predicted set of dimensions were obtained for each subject for the second set of gambles. The ordinal properties of the ADM necessary for interdimensional additivity and intradimensional subtractivity were then tested for each subject's second set of data via a new computer-based algorithm, ADDIMOD. The tests indicated that the ADM was rejected. Although violations of the axioms were significantly less than what would be expected by chance, for only one subject was the model clearly supported. It is argued that while multidimensional scaling models may be useful as data reduction techniques, they do not reflect the perceptual processes used by individuals to form judgments of similarity. Implications for further study of multidimensional scaling models are offered and discussed.

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