
This paper aims to discuss the transformations observed in the cultural consumption patterns of the younger demographic, highlighting the substantial influence of age in the development of cultural capital. Prieur and other scholars stated that Bourdieus model of social space of capital composition, which the secondary axis he identified between individuals primarily possessing cultural capital and those primarily possessing economic capital is frequently complicated by age. The paper first provides a brief review of cultural capital established by Bourdieu. It then applies a theoretical discussion method to demonstrate how age is reforming cultural capital, accompanied by significant empirical research. Furthermore, due to the emerging distinctiveness, the paper discusses the changes in cultural consumption among youth. Finally, the paper concludes that: 1) Age forms distinctive preferences for cultural consumption among youth, with the influence of highbrow culture decreasing as the younger generation tends to embrace commercially oriented products; 2) The cultural consumption patterns of the younger generation are less conspicuous and less elitism.

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