
Aiming at families with two children, this paper analyzes the problems of family upbringing’s incompatibility and psychological problems in children’s development by means of a review. From the perspective of systematic Satir family therapy, core values, communication posture, iceberg theory, family structure diagram, etc. Help families re-examine family rules and relationships between members. Through the analysis and discussion at the iceberg level one by one, specific methods of what to do are obtained. For example, when there is a conflict between children, parents should not rush forward to be the referee, and let the first child help the second child to socialize. And the influence of the second child on the behavior, emotions, opinions, expectations, and desires of the first child. At the behavioral level, there may be two situations of acceptance and non-acceptance of first-born babies. On the emotional level, we believe that first-borns may have three responses: love, anger, and fear. At the point of view, I think that no matter what the point of view is, there are two themes: getting love and losing love. In terms of expectations, the first child may want to be loved and accompanied by the caregiver. The desire level, will desire to be respected by others, to be loved by others. Combining Satir's iceberg theory analysis with second-child family for effective intervention on specific problems.

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