
The present investigation pertaining to growth of fertilizer consumption and food grains production in Rajasthan was conducted during 2017-18. This study was based on time series data, which was collected from 1967-68 to 2014-15. The results of the present investigation revealed an increasing trend in fertilizer consumption and food grains production from 1967-68 to 2014-15 in Rajasthan. Total fertilizer consumption in Rajasthan significantly increased at the rate of 13.82 per cent per annum during the post-green revolution phase-I. The consumption of N significantly grew by 14.26 per cent per annum, that of P and K increased by 12.24 per cent and 12.71 per cent, respectively. Food grains production also increased by 2.41 per cent per annum. In the post-green revolution phase-II, growth rate of total fertilizer consumption increased at the rate of 9.96 per cent, N significantly grew by 7.88 per cent, P increased by 17.09 per cent; whereas, K decreased by 0.94 per cent per annum. However, food grains production was increased by 1.57 per cent per annum.The analysis of post reform period pointed out that the total consumption of composite fertilizers, N, P and K significantly increased at the rate of 4.49 per cent, 4.32 per cent, 4.79 per cent and 7.21 per cent, respectively. Food grains production also registered significant growth rate of 3.71 per cent per annum. In entire period of study (1967-68 to 2014-15), total consumption of fertilizers had increased at the rate of 8.35 per cent per annum. While the consumption of N grew by 8.08 per cent per annum, that of P and K increased by 9.60 per cent and 4.95 per cent, respectively. Food grains production was increased by 2.78 per cent per annum.

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