Abstract A fold interference pattern based on preserved macrostructures (inter-related supracrustal and infracrustal rocks of different competencies) has been investigated. By means of these structures it has been possible to reconstruct the main folds and to unravel the tectonic evolution of the area. The oldest plutonic rocks were probably intruded and solidified prior to major deformations. A combination of a horizontal, regionally directed stress from east to west and north-south compressions caused by secondary stresses from irregularly distributed, tectonically competent plutonic bodies gave rise to the present structures and fold interference pattern of the region (isoclinal folding F1, and cross-folding F2). Already the first phase of deformation involved pegmatites and probably took place under high-grade metamorphism and low viscosity during a late stage of the orogenic evolution. At present there is little evidence that the main structures of the region were formed due to the diapiric rise of t...
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