We present two new algorithms for floating-point computation of the generalized singular values of a real pair $(A,B)$ of full column rank matrices and for floating-point solution of the generalized eigenvalue problem $Hx=\lambda Mx$ with symmetric, positive definite matrices H and M. The pair $(A,B)$ is replaced with an equivalent pair $(A',B')$, and the generalized singular values are computed as the singular values of the explicitly computed matrix $F=A' B'^{-1}$. The singular values of F are computed using the Jacobi method. The relative accuracy of the computed singular value approximations does not depend on column scalings of A and B; that is, the accuracy is nearly the same for all pairs $(AD_1,BD_2)$, with $D_1$, $D_2$ arbitrary diagonal, nonsingular matrices. Similarly, the pencil $H-\lambda M$ is replaced with an equivalent pencil $H'-\lambda M'$, and the eigenvalues of $H-\lambda M$ are computed as the squares of the singular values of $G=L_H L_M^{-1}$, where $L_H$, $L_M$ are the Cholesky factors of $H'$, $M'$, respectively, and the matrix G is explicitly computed as the solution of a linear system of equations. For the computed approximation $\lambda+\delta\lambda$ of any exact eigenvalue $\lambda$, the relative error $|\delta\lambda|/\lambda$ is of order $p(n) {\mbox{\boldmath$\varepsilon$}} \max\{\min_{\Delta\in{\cal D}}\kappa_2(\Delta H\Delta), \min_{\Delta\in{\cal D}}\kappa_2(\Delta M\Delta)\}$, where $p(n)$ is a modestly growing polynomial of the dimension of the problem, {\mbox{\boldmath$\varepsilon$}} is the round-off unit of floating-point arithmetic, ${\cal D}$ denotes the set of diagonal nonsingular matrices, and $\kappa_2(\cdot)$ is the spectral condition number. Furthermore, floating-point computation corresponds to an exact computation with $H+\delta H$, $M+\delta M$, where, for all i, j, $|\delta H_{ij}|/\sqrt{H_{ii}H_{jj}}$ and $|\delta M_{ij}|/\sqrt{M_{ii}M_{jj}}$ are of order of {\mbox{\boldmath$\varepsilon$}} times a modest function of n.
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