
AbstractAll through the twentieth century transportation planning and the implementation of transportation facilities in the developing world was heavily weighted toward motorized transportation (MT), despite the fact that non‐motorized transportation (NMT) constitutes a significant proportion of all trips. However, in the last two decades many researchers and practitioners all across the world have recognized the importance and advantages of NMT, and their investigations and findings have contributed toward identifying, if not mitigating, some of the more glaring problems in these countries. Unfortunately, most of these investigations have been performed in a piece‐meal and disjointed fashion. This paper explores the complex and sometimes poorly understood set of relationships between transportation and its links to a myriad of other factors, such as landuse, sustainability, safety, energy, ethical issues, value of time, telecommunication, environmental justice, and equity. The main objective of this paper is to provide a systemic overview of NMT by describing its multi‐dimensional aspects and to assist developing countries in formulating an “Agenda for Action”.

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